And the winner is...

Have you won a signed copy of Motherland?


This year marks the 20th anniversary of the epic trip my wife and I made across Russia, which resulted in the publication of my first monograph, Motherland. We left London in July 2004 and spent the next year criss-crossing the country visiting over 200 locations and covering nearly 75,000km. It was an extraordinary journey in more ways than one: Sarah returned expecting our first child (who’s now on her gap year)!



Motherland was published by Chris Boot in 2007. We printed 5000 copies and it sold out pretty quickly. Unfortunately, I only kept a few books for myself, which I sorely regret; I should have archived at least 50 as I’m often asked for copies to include in exhibitions, etc (take note if you’re about to publish your own photobook!). Up until now I’ve chosen not to reprint the book, however, perhaps I’ll do a 25th anniversary edition?


During a recent studio clear-up I discovered a rogue, signed copy of the book, which I’ve decided to give away to one of you lucky subscribers!



The winner is announced below, but first, in other news…👇🏼


2010 Election Artist Commission


It’s been a while in the making, but the UK Parliament have recently created a short film about my 2010 Election Artist commission. It explores the motivation for my resulting series and includes a ‘deep-dive’ into one specific photograph I made, David Cameron on Polling Day. The film was beautifully shot by cinematographer, Zoran Veljkovic.



Big shout-out to Joanne Coates, who received the latest commission. I for one look forward to seeing her work when its launched by Parliament in 2025. Previous recipients were Jonathan Yeo, David Godbold, Adam Dant, Cornelia Parker and Nicky Hirst.

40x30cm, framed
Pigment print on Kozo Japanese paper


Now that the sun is getting lower in the sky I’m able to continue my series, After London, which is a visual response to Richard Jeffries’ book of the same. Published in 1885 it is regarded as one of the first novels of the Anthropocene, tackling Victorian anxieties around industrial development, urbanisation, natural resources, and climate. It seems incredibly prescient today and I’m excited about the images I’ve made so far.

I will be presenting two new prints as part of the 42nd Edition of Small is Beautiful annual exhibition at Flowers Gallery in London, which runs from 21 November - 4 January 2025.


The final work will be released in its entirety in Spring 2025 and subscribers to my newsletter will be first to see the full series. 


The British Library & Guernsey Museum


The British Library have recently acquired an artist proof of my Brexit Lexicon publication (edition of 9). As the national library of the UK, its remit is to build, curate and preserve the UK’s national collection of published, written and digital content. They have a Curator of ‘Contemporary British Published Collections’ who acquires specific artist books, which is worth considering if this is a medium you’re particularly focussed on in your own work.


A set twelve of prints from my 2022 Artist Residency have now been deposited in the The Guernsey Museum & Art Gallery collection. Thank you to Jean-Christophe Godart, Director of the Guernsey Photography Festival, for the original commission.



I’ve recently been digging through my archive of photographs made during my Motherland trip; the first time returning to the contact sheets for at least fifteen years. It’s an interesting experience seeing the work afresh and finding new images that I’d not considered as possible selects for the book first time around. I often wonder if I was to republish the book whether I’d keep it exactly as the original or if I’d produce a slightly re-interpretation of the work. Perhaps the latter might feel a bit like re-writing my own photographic history. I’d be interested to know your thoughts?


Sebastian Seeney


Sebastian, your copy of Motherland is on it’s way to you!


That’s all for now, but I hope I’m able to catch-up with some of you in person during Paris Photo next week.


best wishes, Simon